Voices of Hong Kong – Everlasting Cantonese Music

Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble

11/8 (SUN) 8pm

Theatre, Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre
$250 $200

The Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble’s Voices of Hong Kong ― Everlasting Cantonese Music was shortlisted and funded by the China National Arts Fund 2023. It has since been embarking on a Lingnan music tour in Beijing, Tianjin, Chengdu, Xi’an, Hangzhou and Shanghai. Under this programme, the concert will be revitalised under the themes of  ‘Everlasting Cantonese Music’  and  ‘Soundscape of the Southern’. The concert serves to demonstrate the synergy of traditional and contemporary music in Hong Kong.

Conductor: Ho Man-chuen

Extension activities
2/8 (FRI) 8pm
Pre-concert Talk: Voices of Hong Kong – Everlasting Cantonese Music
AC2, 4/F, Administration Building, Hong Kong Cultural Centre Admission free on a first come, first served basis. In Cantonese
Other information

The performance will run for about 2 hours including a 10-minute intermission.

Organised by: Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble

Concluded Successfully!
Thank you for your support!