The lecture series aim at promoting and passing on traditional Chinese culture and encouraging exchange via experts. Topics include Chinese aesthetics, traditional culture, Chinese painting and calligraphy, Cantonese Opera, drama, visual arts, cultural industry, etc. Talks will be conducted by masters in inspiring ways, blending in traditional Hong Kong culture, heritage sites and modern arts.
14/6 (Fri) Hong Kong in Coloured Ink — Lam Tianxing’s Inheritance of Ink-painting and the Imagery of Coloured Ink Δ
Speaker: Lam Tianxing
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21/6 (Fri) The Re-creation of Classics — A Director’s Challenge #
Speaker: Fredric Mao Chun-fai
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28/6 (Fri) Modern Enlightenment of Traditional Culture and Art Δ
Speaker: Cheng Pei-kai
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5/7 (Fri) Freeman Lau’s Thirty Years of ‘Chair Play’ (A Cross-media Creation Case) #
Speaker: Freeman Lau Siu-hong
12/7 (Fri) The Adherence of The Top Restaurant — the Birth of a Script Δ
Speaker: Ho Kei-ping
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26/7 (Fri) The Essential Nature of Opera #
Speaker: Franco Yuen Siu-fai
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2/8 (Fri) The Source of Beauty — A Brief Discussion on the Aesthetic Features of Chinese Opera#
Speaker: Tang Yuen-ha
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9/8 (Fri) The Art of Chinese Calligraphy Δ
Speaker: Ambrose King Yeo-chi
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16/8 (Fri) Development of the Creative Media Cultural Industry #
Speaker: Wong Cho-lam
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# In Cantonese
Δ In Putonghua