
China National Opera & Dance Drama Theater

15 /6 (SAT) 7:30pm
16 /6 (SUN) 2:30pm

Auditorium, Kwai Tsing Theatre
$480 $380 $280 $180

This dance drama depicts Confucius’ tour around the Chinese States, a journey full of frustrations, a journey without the accomplishment of his dreams, and a journey where devotion is never repaid.

In the chaotic time, the Lord of the State was muddle-headed and drowning in the company of beautiful women. The Lord asked Confucius how to rule the State but then ignored his suggestions. The officials, crafty and fawning, knew only how to conspire against each other.

Confucius considered the situation and proposed that the ruler adopt rules of etiquette and a policy of benevolence, but his ideas failed to change the situation. Confucius became involved in the conspiracy in the court and was forced to flee for his life.

Trapped in the tempest of danger and hunger, he imagined seeing an ideal world of great harmony…

Other information

The performance will run for about 1 hour 30 minutes without intermission.

Presented by: CPAA Productions Ltd.

Chinese Culture Festival’s Group Booking Discount, Package Booking Discount and ticket arrangements of Xiqu Centre are not applicable to ticket purchase for Confucius.

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